"Potensi is a priceless treasure, like gold. All of us have gold hidden within, but we have to dig to get it out.."
The first step to discover our potential is "Don't set limits on your unlimited potential". Stop underestimate yourself. Kenali dirimu lebih dalam, every detail, kamu akan menemukan berbagai hal unik tentang dirimu.
Explore dirimu lebih dalam, follow your passion yang mengarahkan pada your truly potential. Found it, increase your level potential.
Believe in yourself, cintai dirimu apa adanya, sehebat apapun potensimu tidak akan maksimal jika kita tidak pede. You're confined only by the walls you build yourself, so break it all and found the "treasure".
Break all the limits, batasan apapun. Pesimisme lingkungan peraturan yang mengikat, ketidakpercayaan diri, semuanya. Break it all.
Go extra mile and challenge yourself. If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be.
Challeng yourself to do something out of your comfort zone or solve a problem, make inovation untuk lingkungan sekitarmu.
Limits and problems are the best teacher to help you to upgrading yourself and find your hidden potential. Si jenius, Einstein pernah mengatakan "It's not i'm so smart, it's just that i stay with problem longer.."
Bahwa ada sesuatu yang sangat misterius, kekuatan yang demikian dahsyat yang tersembunyi dibalik situasi yang sulit - Merry Riana
Which means, limits and problems adalah stimulus yang baik untuk memancing hidden potensi itu muncul secara nyata. Setelah menemukan your truly potential melalui berbagai proses, then do something with it to increase the level. Potential means nothing if you don't do anything with it, seperti pisau, potensi bisa menjadi tumpul jika tidak secara rutin diasah.
It's not enough to just have potential. You also need to know what to do with it - Susan Gale
Cari informasi sebanyak - banyaknya tentang bagaimana kita dapat mengeksplor lebih dalam potensi diri kita. Asah selalu potensimu sesering mungkin melalui kursus atau pelatihan secara autodidak. Make it work, make it better and better.
Be persistence, continuous effort is the key to grow up your potential.
Last but not least, get in your own game and realize your full potential. Enjoy the process, keep focus to the purpose kemana potensi ini kamu arahkan.
(Source by @ceweQuat)
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